General Interest

/General Interest

Head Shot Parties

Standing out in a crowd is how you get noticed and with Pro Head Shots, you can count on it! HOME HEAD SHOT PARTIES:  Stand out in the crowd and get noticed. This home service is great for Glam Beauty Shots, Facebook and On-Live Dating Pix. Host this home party with a minimum of 8 people, and your headshot is free! I set up at

Head Shot Parties2017-09-14T14:51:26-04:00

Teaching At Santa Fe Photo Workshops

Education goes hand in hand for advancing in one's  career.  A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to teach an Intensive Lighting Workshop at the Santa Fe Photo Workshop.   Both Santa Fe and the workshop facilities and staff are the best.  It was a very pleasant experience.  I enjoy teaching and would like to expand into doing more workshops.  This workshop covered how

Teaching At Santa Fe Photo Workshops2016-11-16T21:44:23-05:00

Grandma’s Camera

This is a throw back topic! This camera could tell stories.  Every family has it's journalist, documenting their family's history.  An my grandmother was this person. I used this camera "way-back-a-while", using 116 roll film, and I still have a roll.  Using this camera is an exercise in the old craft of image making - totally manual with the complete thinking process. For me, it was one of the starts of

Grandma’s Camera2016-11-16T21:33:03-05:00